Welcome to our life!

This is a blog from a Christian mom who's trying to figure out how to keep God first in her family while managing the day to day! Be Blessed!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Projects and pics... that's all I've got!

Long time no post... I know I know! Between all of the holidays we've celebrated recently and spring break, there just seemed to be no time for blogging. So this post is going to be packed with pics of all that's been going on around here. 

First up remember the st patricks days shirts I made for the kids? Well here is a pic of them wearing them. 

SG is impossible to photograph with her sisters these days so that's why she's all by herself.

Next up Easter. Thanks as usual to pinterest i found this tutorial for ruffled easter egg shirts. And here's how they turned out. (Warning you must tilt your head to see these... sorry in advance)

 (Ok seriously does anyone know how to rotate an image once it's on blogger? its driving me nuts that I can't figure that out!)

And last but not least here are some sweet ruffled skirts that i upcycled from jeans. While I was in NY visiting the bestie for spring break we ran across some premade ruffles that we thought would work perfectly for turning blue jeans into skirts. Here is her blog post about it. Because her daughter is smaller than mine she was able to just cut the legs off and sew the ruffles on, but mine required a little more work. I didn't take pics of the process but I'm sure there are a million and one tutorials about how to turn blue jeans into a skirt. But here is the finished product. 

Ok that's all for today! Hope you enjoyed the pics! More to come later! Have a blessed day! :o)