Welcome to our life!

This is a blog from a Christian mom who's trying to figure out how to keep God first in her family while managing the day to day! Be Blessed!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Mom- I forgot...

Have you ever had your kid tell you the night before that they need something for school the next morning? Well this isn't the first time this has happened, but bc my girls are still little it hasn't happened that often. Thurs night Bekah informed me that she needed a Snowman shirt for Friday morning for pre-school. So after a quick trip to Target and Old Navy left me empty handed I thought "I can make one!" I promise you that that thought has NEVER entered my head before bc "crafty" certainly isn't an adjective that I would use to describe myself. But thanks to some really special friends and my bestie the last couple of months I've discovered a love of crafting. In fact at one point we did a sewing project for our Mom group and I had someone else sew mine. I had zero interest in sewing. It's amazing how our interests change! I love the challenge that these little projects present and I love how my girls look when they tell someone with pride "My mom made it!" I love that in some small way I get to show my girls how much I love them by making them something as simple as a shirt. 

So here is her snowman shirt:

So what has your kid asked you to do the day before it was due? <3


Brittany Street

That is the cutest shirt Shar! I love it! Ha ha ha!

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