Yesterday on our way home from church my 4 yr old noticed an Enterprise car rental place. Immediately after her saying "There's an Enterprise!" My 6 yr old said "We'll pick you up." I was so shocked that Bek knew what Enterprise was and even more that Han knew the slogan for this company! I don't think we've rented a car in several years and I don't even think it was from enterprise then. This got me really thinking... We don't usually let them watch tv with commercials. They typically watch either PBS or Netflix. So I don't think they regularly hear the commercial for Enterprise. But obviously only hearing that slogan a few times stuck with them. It was a great reminder that our kids are sponges. And that everything we say and do affects them. That they really are watching us.
It made me wonder what they think my "slogan" is? What do they typically associate with hearing my name? What do they think their mom most frequently says to them? I pray that it's not "Go away" or "Stop bothering me". I'm not saying I never say those things, but I don't feel like I frequently use those phrases with them. I hope it's "I love you!" I pray that its "Jesus loves you, and I love Jesus!"
I'm thankful for those little reminders that our job as a parent isn't just about their needs right now, but really shaping them to be who they will be in the future. As for me... I'm going to be working up the courage to ask my kids what they think my slogan is!
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